
About AI4SW

What is AI4SW?

AI4SW stands for Artificial Intelligence for Students Wellbeing. It’s a research project that investigates the possibility of bringing AI to students to help with their mental wellbeing based on their health data.

What is AI4SW currently goal?

The project's current goal is data collection so we can train the AI that will be able to learn patterns in a student's mental state and forecast the next mental state the student will be in. We will be collecting health data along with mood scores, energy levels, and other information taken from daily tasks the student completes on our bespoke app.

How will the AI work?

The student will complete a task on the app, the app will then feed the AI model with the tasks results and students health data, finally the AI will make a prediction of what the student's next mental state will be and will provide advice if it is needed.

What else can AI4SW app do?

The app will give students the ability to monitor their own mental well-being through it and be sign posted to any wellbeing services that may be able to help. Our app will be constantly updated throughout the project with new features including the forecasting mental state AI that is the core aim of the research project, as if we can forecast/predict negative mental states before it happens, we have the potential to provide appropriate advice quicker.

If you have any other questions that wasn't answered above feel free to contact us at and we will try to answer your questions as soon as possible.